Our goal is to educate employees on identifying and eliminating hazards and unsafe conditions. We aim to eliminate injuries, illness, and property damage through our established safety-culture and safe work practices. Gas Field Specialists, Inc. strives to return each employee to their family in the same condition their families sent them to us.
GOAL ZERO- Safe at Work-Safe at Home
Working safely is a "condition of employment" at Gas Field Specialists as all new employees will attend a safety orientation when hired. Upon completion of this program, employees are expected to have knowledge and understanding of the following…
Gas Field Specialists, Inc. 12 Life Saving Rules
Gas Field Specialists, Inc. Golden Rules
Gas Field Specialists, Inc. (SIR) Safety Integrity Respect Program
Once orientation is successfully completed, a Gas Field Specialists, Inc. Safety Integrity Respect (SIR) sticker will be awarded. The sticker shall be placed on the employee’s hardhat displaying that individual’s commitment to Gas Field Specialists, Inc. safety culture and the belief of GOAL ZERO.
Employee Responsibilities
Adhere to safety and health program requirements, Gas Field Specialists, Inc. safety programs/policies, and all OSHA regulations.
Believe in the attainability of GOAL ZERO. (Zero Accidents/Zero Incidents).
Understand and utilize Gas Field Specialists, Inc. 12 Life Saving Rules, Golden Rules, and S.I.R. program.
Perform work using safe and healthful methods, and report any unsafe conditions/acts.
Utilize Stop Work Authority when necessary.
NEVER, for any reason, perform an act, or create a condition that may cause harm to oneself, co-workers, or third parties.
Every employee is accountable for their own safety, and the safety of their fellow employees.
We relentlessly work to keep our employees and contractors safe by focusing on compliance, and tackling the cultural issues that can lead to unsafe behaviors. Our GOAL ZERO program and supporting policies continually aid in strengthen our safety culture company-wide.
Goal Zero captures the belief that we can operate without fatalities or significant incidents despite the often difficult conditions in which we operate. To support this aim, we continue to roll out initiatives to strengthen our safety culture. This includes improving the safety leadership, skills of staff, simplifying our requirements, and rewarding successful performance.
Question: What does GOAL ZERO mean to you? (All employees must provide written statement)
Gas Field Specialists, Inc. Life Saving Rules

Gas Field Specialists Golden Rules
These three simple rules make it clear how Gas Field Specialists, Inc. employees and contractors are expected to behave.
You and I:
Comply with the law, standards and procedures
Intervene in unsafe or non-compliant situations
Respect our neighbors
The HSSE Golden Rules are about changing how we act. They are three rules that give a framework for how we must all behave all of the time, in every operation and activity, if we are to achieve further improvement in our HSSE performance.
The rules emphasize our individual responsibility while encouraging us to help our colleagues and respect our neighbors. We must apply the rules to everything we do, every day, in every activity and in every business. No matter what pressure we are under, the Golden Rules always come first.
“Yes S.I.R.” Safety Integrity Respect
Employees are the most essential component to Gas Field Specialists, Inc. and their safety is directly linked to our continued success. The ultimate success of a safe work culture depends on the cooperation of each individual employee.
Our S.I.R. Program will maintain an active and aggressive approach in which all members of Gas Field Specialists, Inc. shall participate in promoting safety awareness and culture.
Through working “Safely,” having pride and “Integrity” in all aspects of our work, and “Respecting” oneself and fellow employees, GOAL ZERO is attainable.